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 A Clear Mind.

A Healthy Body.

The Best Version of You. 

Discover my proven 5-Pillar strategy that gives you the tools, routines and support you need to create a healthy body and mind (without sacrificing work, family or fun)

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I Help Busy Leaders Go From Burnt-Out to Feeling Their Best, Through Simple Health, Mindset & Lifestyle Changes.


In the pursuit of career success and family responsibilities, we often forget the foundation that allows us to be at our best in both – our health, fitness, and wellbeing.

I've worked with hundreds of people just like you who are successful in their careers, but want to transform their mental and physical health.

Using my 5 Pillars of Health I've helped CEOs, professional athletes, business exec's and celebrities change their life, body and mind.

Is This You?


  • You put everything and everyone else first - work, family, home - and it's started to take a toll on you.
  • You feel like things are piling up and it's getting harder and harder to keep all the plates spinning.
  •  The constant stress makes it difficult to focus on yourself, even though you know you need to. 



  • You feel tired, overweight and sluggish, with low physical confidence. 
  • There's so much conflicting information out there you don't know what's right or wrong for you.
  • Despite work going well, your health, fitness and work life balance is the worst it’s ever been.


  • You spend your whole life thinking about others but you’re tired of putting yourself and your health at the bottom of the list.
  • You’ve had enough of feeling stressed, sluggish and like you’re fire-fighting everyday.
  • You want to make a change but don’t know where you’d even start...

But imagine if you could...

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"Professional success shouldn't come at the cost of your health, fitness and quality of life"

You've worked hard for years, progressing in your professional life.

Only to find that the stress never seems to stop, you don't have time for yourself and its showing physically and mentally.

Working hard is what you've always done and it's all you know.

But the harder you work, the harder it seems to be to stay in shape and show up at your best.

It doesn't have to be like this…

“After 3 years of running a high growth start up I was burnt out. 6 weeks into working with Robbie and I’m fired up about work again.

I’ve lost weight which is great but the biggest changes are my mindset and daily performance."

Billie Quinlan | Co-Founder, Ferly

"Working with Robbie has enabled me to be the best version of myself, as a father of three young children, and multiple business owner.

Robbie equips me to be able to perform at my optimum, through my bespoke training plan, which is tailored to my needs and goals.”

David HaswellDirector & Owner, Bluebird Care


Five Pillars of Health


Follow an exercise plan that actually works and fits with your schedule, fitness levels & goals to get you in the best shape of your life.


Enjoy an easy to follow & inexpensive diet plan that fuels you to look, feel and perform your best while at home, work or on-the-go.


Wake up feeling refreshed & excited for the day by prioritising sleep. Discover how good sleep hygiene will improve your focus, reduce cravings & boost energy throughout the day.


Learn how to properly switch off & rest so you can recharge your mind & body. Stop being ‘always-on’ & discover new levels of performance & feel-good energy.


Implement a clear and focussed routine that allows you to perform at your best in all aspects of your life without burning-out.



Limited intake

Complete Health & Performance Check

+ ‘Best Day’ formula 

Nutrition Coaching & Diet Plan

+ Monthly recipe book 

Personalised Training Plan 

+ Healthy Lifestyle Building

Improve Sleep and Relaxation 

+ Stress management tools 

Monthly Coaching Calls 

+ Daily support and guidance

Schedule a Free Consultation Call

Hey, I'm Robbie.

I'm a coach with over 16 years experience working with 100s of people from CEO's to professional athletes and celebrities to improve their health, fitness, work-life balance and thrive.

There was a time where I was so consumed with work and providing for my family that I neglected my own needs and the people I care about most.

It took my wife telling me “it’s like you don’t have time for your own life” for me to realise I needed to make some changes and find a better way.

Now help others find their flow, when all aspects of your health, fitness, work and home life are in alignment and you're at your very best.

I’m tired of seeing people sacrificing their own health and fitness needs because of the pressures of running a business or a demanding job and home life.

Life won’t always be balanced.

But that doesn’t mean neglecting your fitness, time with your family or quality of life.

I want to help you become the best version of yourself, because you deserve it. 


What My Clients Say

“Robbie has taken me on a journey in my training which I could not have imagined.

The transformation he has enabled and encouraged in my body and also my mind has been extraordinary."

Anthony BakerChief Executive Officer at The Civic, Barnsley

"I can safely say Robbie is the best trainer I have ever met, the transformation he led me through completely changed my life.

He is sympathetic and realistic but also an exceptional motivator and a brilliant listener.”

Vicky PattisonTV Personality

“Working with Robbie has allowed me to understand that a balance is required between fitness, diet and mindfulness.

I have more energy to tackle the working day, a more organised approach to workloads, and better at handling the pressure of running a business."

Jeff Roberts | Managing Director Roberts Environmental Ltd

“I feel THE BEST I’ve ever felt, both mentally and physically. I’m 14kg lighter, a whole host fitter, eating better, sleeping better, working smarter and enjoying everything that life has to offer.

Robbie was just the kick I needed and he has helped me to build better habits and demand more from myself.

I am a changed person in so many ways and couldn’t have done it without his expert help, guidance and support.”

AnneOperations Director

“Robbie has not only helped me achieve a healthier lifestyle but has also played a pivotal role in assisting me as I navigate the ongoing challenge of balancing my work and family life.

Robbie's unwavering commitment and understanding of my unique needs have made him a stable and indispensable presence in my life. I'm grateful for his guidance and continued support.”

Aisling Tungate | People Director - Broadwick Group

The Health & Performance Blog 

My 5-Step Goal Setting Framework

Switching Off Is Hard

When Does Your Fitness Watch Become Unhealthy?

How To Beat The Mid-Afternoon Energy Slump

Discover More Blogs

“Not only am I getting great results with weight loss, my strength is back up, I've got clarity in mind, my sleep quality has never been better and my stress is more manageable.”

- Gemma  | Founder, Herbal Dog Co

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